Chris Walton

Learn to play Clarinet, Saxophone or Flute


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Welcome to the iTeach website! I’m Chris

Learn to play clarinet, saxophone or flute with I Teach in Brantford

With I Teach we start together at the beginning…


iTeach runs on a custom AMD Ryzen 5 computer. For inquiries regarding computers and peripherals contact Johnathan Walton.

He can be reached by phone at 226-802-6767 or email at

Online and in person lessons available


Christopher D. Walton

I studied saxophone on the Berklee campus in 1979 and I’m earning my degree with Berklee Online, the online extension school of Berklee College of Music. 2018/19 were sabbatical years for me but I do hope to resume in 2021. Online studies create access to the college’s acclaimed curriculum from anywhere in the world.

I’ve been offering affordable private lessons in Brantford since the 1980’s. I love to teach music lessons and this is something I share with my students. From day one, my students learn important foundational techniques to help them boost their skills. Each student has a unique learning style, and I try to find out what that is and adapt my music lessons accordingly to your goals. Seeing your potential as your music teacher is important also. 

I’m a member of American Federation of Musicians (AFM) of United States & Canada, local 467 in Brantford.



I have been playing clarinet most of my life and began in high school.

I liked the sound and look of the clarinet so I picked it to play. I knew in a few months that I would want to play all my life. The clarinet was my motivation to continue with music in life and led me to study other woodwinds as well. Start private music lessons with clarinet.

I’m a proud dealer in Brantford for Lyrique and Libertas clarinets and accessories.  I play on a professional Libertas with a Ridenour Artist Pro mouthpiece (and sometimes a Vandoren JB5 jazz piece) Ivorolon barrel and performance ligature.

I’m also a dealer for Bravo reeds and related accessories from Hollywood Winds. These are excellent synthetic reeds for clarinet or sax. Great performance at a great price, available for sale.


Private lessons saxophone

Learning sax is exciting, classical or jazz it’s your choice.

Saxophone is a great instrument to learn.

Take private music lessons on saxophone.


Private music lessons flute

Flute is a beautiful instrument to learn and study.
Also a great option for musicians wanting to add this instrument to double from clarinet, saxophone or both.
Get private music lessons on flute.

Note: Contact me to schedule a music lesson.
Lessons are taught in your home in Brantford and surrounding area


I would like to introduce Music Aid who does repair work. You can contact Rob there or myself if you prefer.

Music Aid



311 Horton Street, London

Ontario  N6B 1L5       

519 433 3343

I play clarinet, saxophone and flute and currently work in three bands. “The George Rose Big Band”, “Saxation” a sax quartet and “Splendor In The Brass” music of the 70’s and 80’s.

Band for Hire – Saxation
Band for Hire – Splendor In The Brass
iTeach – Saxophone
iTeach – Clarinet
iTeach – Flute
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Chris Walton is dedicated and hardworking teacher. I have had the pleasure of being Mr. Walton’s student for a year now and I have noticed a major improvement in all aspects of my saxophone playing. Some of the aspects include tuning by trusting in what I hear, rhythm, and overall sound of my playing. He is very patient and kind teacher allowing his students to achieve goals they set for themselves. He is also very knowledgeable of what it takes to not only be a great saxophone player but a great musician. Along with helping you to become a better musician, Mr. Walton also allows you to create your own sound and style that you want as a player. He is also practiced in multiple styles of music ranging from classical to jazz with all the theory that goes with them too. My family and I enjoy listening to Chris when he plays in the community and it is evident that he is a very skilled and confident musician. He brings this into his lessons weekly making them enjoyable and educational. Seth Spry – Brantford, ON